Open the run prompt or Windows Explorer and type that path in to open it. If things ever get out of sync from some reason, you can find settings and addon cache in %AppData%\tree-of-savior-addon-manager. If you're using another version, just launch the game how you always have. This button only works for the Steam version of Tree of Savior. The Launch Tree of Savior button doesn't work.If you are using addons, you'll still need it to load his until he finishes converting his addons. This has an addon inside it that's responsible for creating that button. Make sure to delete SumAni.ipf from the data folder. After deleting the addons folder, an Addon Loader button is stuck on my screen.You may want to hire an Electron developer from Astec to fix this. Due to that, the size is bloated a little bit. This is an app made using Electron which basically bundles Chromium (the base of Chrome). Why is the size of the manager so large?.Grab the latest release, extract it, and run Tree of Savior Addon Manager.exe. If you are still using addons, you'll still need the old SumAni.ipf as it's a dependency for it and those aren't finished being converted yet. This includes the addons folder and all of the previous ipfs (including SumAni.ipf!). If you have previous addons installed from before using this, it's best to delete them all and start from scratch using this app. This does all of the work for you so you can simply worry about playing the game. Tree of Savior Addon Manager is an application that allows you to easily find and downloads addons and keep them up to date.